Everybody in Kimberley knows the huge challenges everybody in Kimberley are facing for the most couple of years regarding water availability and quality.
We were asked if we would be able to assist in the refurbishment of the clarifiers at Riverton during the last shutdown.
SOLHAR is always eager to assist where we can uplift our community.

Sol Plaatje Municipality reported on Saturday that Ekapa Mining CEO Jahn Hohne, together with his team of 10 engineers, had joined in the repair and refurbishment efforts at the new Riverton Water Purification Plant. Hohne highlighted his company’s involvement in the operation in terms of the refurbishment and repair work that is being undertaken.

“It was a bombshell once we agreed to clean and repair the clarifiers to see in what state, they were in once the water was drained.”
“The cleaning and removing of the sludge that has accumulated over years was the first big hurdle to overcome that took most of the time.”
“Once it was clean we realize that most of the blades that is supposed to move the material to the drain point have either corroded away or has broken.”
We fabricated completely new blades for 4 of the clarifiers and installed them within the shutdown time frame.
I am proud the say that due to this work the capacity of water being able to be pumped to Kimberley has doubled which resulted that we have not had any water shutdowns since then and the quality of the water has hugely increased.
Here are some pictures taken by the SOLHAR team BEFORE cleaning started;

Here are photos of the rest of the project as it unfolded;

The cleaning and removing of the sludge that has accumulated over years was the first big hurdle to overcome that took most of the time.

Once it was clean we realized that most of the blades that is supposed to move the material to the drain point have either corroded away or has broken.

We fabricated completely new blades for 4 of the clarifiers and installed them within the shutdown time frame.

Installation of new blades by the SOLHAR Team:

The weather was not playing along with us and we were working at night, in the rain, around the clock.

I am proud the say that due to this work the capacity of water being able to be pumped to Kimberley has doubled which resulted that we have not had any water shutdowns since then and the quality of the water has hugely increased.

Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Botswana Contact:
Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Contacts:
083 256 9975
082 551 4082
082 481 0616
072 672 7427
Our Kimberley Branch is situated at 8 Hendrik van der Bijl, Kimdustria, Kimberley, 8301, Northern Cape, South Africa
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Brave men are not born! They are molded. SOLHAR constantly thrive to achieve the set goals monthly and we maintain our identity in what we stand for. If we do not stand for something we might fall for anything. May GOD always stay our protector in whatever project we complete, big or small. To HIM alone the glory and honor - Hallelujah

Men tend to lose their identity in these trying times. We are identified as hard working men taking ownership and responsibility as good, loyal GOD fearing men for our households! BE THE MAN everyone talks about. Stand out in the crowd. Believe and NEVER forget your role and responsibility.

Deliver service. Something we tend to be dislodged from in society in having a basic right to services rendered around us. If GOD stops to deliver the sun, moon, and stars on time we are done with and therefore we strive to keep our focus on delivery of service to our customers.