HDPE – High-density Polyethylene

Details about HDPE – High-density Polyethylene
HDPE – (High-density Polyethylene) are successfully used in a variety of applications in the Civil, Agricultural, Municipal, Mining and Industrial sectors. Because of the good chemical resistance and abrasion resistance properties they are also extensively used in chemical, waste and slurry applications. We are capable of manufacturing lobster bends, pulled bend, tee pieces etc. Our range of HDPE welding on site or overland is from 90 OD up to 450 OD HDPE piping on-site. Larger diameter sizes to be manufactured in our Kimberley workshop. A 25ton mobile crane is available for installation purpose. Contact our offices to book.
HDPE piping systems offer many benefits when compared to most other materials; which typically include the following:
• High impact strength
• Resistance against chemicals, corrosion and abrasion
• Chemically inert and unaffected by acidic soil conditions
• Biologically inert against micro organisms
• Available in long lengths, reducing the number of joints
• Flexibility and toughness
• Inherent resistance to the effect of ground water movement
• Excellent hydraulic properties with low friction resistance throughout life
• Non-toxic and safe for drinking water
• Low installation cost and maintenance free
• Environmentally friendly
• Can be fusion welded, ensuring absolutely leak free joints
• Very suitable for rehabilitation of old pipelines
Some typical applications of HDPE pipe include the following:
• Mining (surface and underground)
• Water supply
• Agriculture / irrigation
• High temperature liquids and gases – usually not above 60°C
• Corrosive water and effluents
• Dewatering
• Drainage and sub-soil drainage
• Protection of electrical and telephone cables
• Hydraulic transport
• Pipeline rehabilitation
Jointing methods
HDPE allows for a range of jointing systems to suit various applications. Permanent and detachable
jointing methods are used, with several options available under each method;



HDPE Double Wall Corrugated / Spiral Winding pipe
The Strong, Reliable, Cost-Effective Solution for Drainage
Over the past several years, the use of dual wall HDPE corrugated pipes for storm water has increased dramatically. This is because of their strength, durability, joint integrity and long-term cost-effectiveness. HDPE double wall pipes are well proven in some of the world’s toughest environments. Results show that forward-thinking municipalities realize the future of storm water management relies on the best technology. HDPE corrugated pipes are manufactured from the highest quality materials and are the most technologically advanced product available for moving storm water and wastewater. The pipes have two layers; the outer layer is corrugated to enhance the pipe’s stiffness while reducing weight and cost; while the inner layer is smooth to improve flow efficiency and lower operational costs.
HDPE corrugated pipes can replace other piping material such as concrete, GRP and clay pipes as well as traditional pipes.

HDPE – High-density Polyethylene Projects we’ve done at SOLHAR in Kimberley

Collection of projects done by the SOLHAR Team
HDPE – High-density Polyethylene
Solhar Energy Solutions and Engineering in Kimberley and Botswana

More Projects – HDPE – High-density Polyethylene Jobs Done

Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Botswana Contact:
Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Contacts:
083 256 9975
082 551 4082
082 481 0616
072 672 7427
Our Kimberley Branch is situated at 8 Hendrik van der Bijl, Kimdustria, Kimberley, 8301, Northern Cape, South Africa
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Men tend to lose their identity in these trying times. We are identified as hard working men taking ownership and responsibility as good, loyal GOD fearing men for our households! BE THE MAN everyone talks about. Stand out in the crowd. Believe and NEVER forget your role and responsibility.

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