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Wi-Fi Tower Installation at Vermeulens New Development by SOLHAR

Wi-Fi Tower Installation at Vermeulens New Development by SOLHAR

Problem: We were request by VERMEULENS and TRAMWAY / JENNEY INTERNET to install a WIFI tower on the new site.
Constraints that were facing us getting the right position and hight to be able to receive a strong signal. Problem is the best position was right in the path of the roadway for the delivery vehicles, we had to improvise to achieve the same result.
Decision was made to fix the WIFI tower to the side of the building out of the path of the delivery vehicles and in the best position possible.

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St Patrick’s CBC, Classroom Floor Replacement done in Kimberley

St Patrick’s CBC, Classroom Floor Replacement done in Kimberley

We at Solhar Civils stive to incorporate new ideas into everyday challenges. We were privileged to be consulted by CBC school in Kimberley to assist in solving the manner of constant wet classroom floor.
Solhar Civils is extremely proud to assist in the upgrade of the infrastructure at CBC and continue to strive for developing relationships with the local business community.

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Baobab Safety Tree manufactured by SOLHAR

Baobab Safety Tree manufactured by SOLHAR

The iconic baobab tree was chosen by our client as the symbol for the safety drive due to the characteristics of the tree. We were asked to design a tree our of metal sheets that would look as near as possible to the real tree which they would like to permanently place at the mine as symbol of the mine’s commitment to safety and the strength and presence of safety on the mine.

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What is structural steel used for?

What is structural steel used for?

Structural steel is primarily used for construction purposes, but it can also be found throughout the automobile & energy infrastructure industries. There may even be instances where structural steel is used to build various machinery, equipment storage tanks, tools, household appliances & for food and beverage packaging.

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Solhar Energy Solutions and Engineering in Kimberley, LOGO

Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Botswana Contact:


Solhar Energy Solutions & Enigneering Contacts:

083 256 9975

082 551 4082

082 481 0616

072 672 7427


Our Kimberley Branch is situated at 8 Hendrik van der Bijl, Kimdustria, Kimberley, 8301, Northern Cape, South Africa

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Brave men are not born! They are molded. SOLHAR constantly thrive to achieve the set goals monthly and we maintain our identity in what we stand for. If we do not stand for something we might fall for anything. May GOD always stay our protector in whatever project we complete, big or small. To HIM alone the glory and honor - Hallelujah


- Kevin Harding

Men tend to lose their identity in these trying times. We are identified as hard working men taking ownership and responsibility as good, loyal GOD fearing men for our households! BE THE MAN everyone talks about. Stand out in the crowd. Believe and NEVER forget your role and responsibility.

- Kevin Harding

Deliver service. Something we tend to be dislodged from in society in having a basic right to services rendered around us. If GOD stops to deliver the sun, moon, and stars on time we are done with and therefore we strive to keep our focus on delivery of service to our customers.

- Kevin Harding